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Understanding Different Types of Lawn Pests and How to Control Them

Posted on October 27, 2023

Maintaining a lush and healthy lawn is a point of pride for many homeowners in Wisconsin. However, the battle against lawn pests can often be a daunting one. These unwelcome guests can wreak havoc on your carefully nurtured lawn, turning it into a battleground of brown patches and frustration.

At ReedsWeedz, LLC, we understand the importance of a pest-free lawn, which is why we specialize in Certified Weed Management and Lawn Services, offering a comprehensive range of solutions including Lawnmowing, Pesticide Lawn Care, and Pest Lawn Services. Our commitment to ensuring your lawn remains a thriving and vibrant asset to your home is unwavering.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the different types of lawn pests that can plague your yard and explore effective ways to control them. We believe that knowledge is a powerful tool in the fight against these pesky intruders, and with the right information and strategies, you can transform your lawn into a pest-resistant sanctuary. Let's embark on this journey to reclaim your green space and keep it thriving for years to come.

The Culprits: Identifying Common Lawn Pests


Grubs are the larvae of various beetles, including Japanese beetles and June bugs. These creamy-white, C-shaped creatures feast on the roots of your grass, causing it to wilt and die. You might notice brown patches in your lawn or signs of animals, such as raccoons and skunks, digging up your turf in search of these juicy morsels.

Chinch Bugs

Chinch bugs are tiny, but they can inflict significant damage. These pests suck the sap out of grass blades, injecting a toxin that causes the grass to turn yellow and eventually die. Chinch bug infestations often lead to drought-like conditions in affected areas.

Sod Webworms

The sod webworm is the larval stage of a small, tan-colored moth. They create silk-lined burrows in your grass and feed on the blades, leaving behind brown and dead patches. These pests are particularly active during the summer months.

White Grubs

White grubs are another type of beetle larvae that feed on grass roots. They are notorious for causing extensive damage during their feeding frenzy, which typically occurs in the late summer and early fall. Affected areas become spongy and detach from the soil easily.


While ants themselves might not directly harm your lawn, their tunneling activity can disrupt the soil structure and create unsightly mounds on the surface. Additionally, they often protect and farm aphids, which can damage your grass by feeding on plant sap.

Moles and Voles

These small, burrowing mammals are not insects, but they can still cause considerable damage to your lawn. Moles create tunnels underground, while voles feed on grass roots and create surface runways. Both can leave your lawn looking like a war zone.

Recognizing the Signs of a Lawn Pest Infestation

To effectively combat lawn pests, you must first recognize the signs of an infestation. Keep an eye out for the following indications:

  • Brown or yellow patches: Discolored areas of your lawn can be a clear sign of pest damage.
  • Wilting or dying grass: If your grass looks unhealthy despite proper care, pests may be to blame.
  • Tunnels or mounds: Raised tunnels or mounds of soil are signs of burrowing pests like moles and ants.
  • Insect activity: Observe your lawn for signs of pests, such as grubs or chinch bugs, crawling on the surface.

Controlling Lawn Pests: Effective Strategies

Now that we've identified some common lawn pests and their telltale signs, let's explore how to control and mitigate the damage they can cause.

Regular Lawn Maintenance

Prevention is often the best defense. Regular mowing, proper watering, and a well-balanced fertilization schedule can keep your grass healthy and resilient against pest attacks. A well-maintained lawn is less attractive to many common pests.

Identify the Pest

Before you can effectively control a pest problem, you must accurately identify the culprits. Different pests require different treatments, so knowing what you're dealing with is essential.

Biological Control

Introducing natural predators of the pests, such as nematodes, can help control infestations. These microscopic organisms feed on lawn-damaging insects like grubs.

Chemical Control

In some cases, chemical treatments may be necessary to combat a severe infestation. Our Pesticide Lawn Care services at ReedsWeedz, LLC, provide targeted solutions to eliminate pests while minimizing harm to your lawn and the environment.

Lawn Aeration

Aerating your lawn can help improve soil conditions and reduce the appeal of your grass to pests like white grubs and chinch bugs. It also enhances water and nutrient absorption.

Lawn Renovation

In cases of severe damage, lawn renovation may be necessary. This involves removing the affected turf, addressing soil issues, and replanting with disease-resistant grass varieties.

Professional Pest Control

When all else fails, or if you're dealing with a particularly stubborn infestation, it's time to call in the experts. Our Pest Lawn Services at ReedsWeedz, LLC, are designed to assess the situation and implement targeted pest control strategies to restore the health of your lawn.

Prevention Is Key

While controlling lawn pests is essential, prevention should always be the primary goal. Here are some proactive steps you can take to minimize the risk of a pest infestation:

  • Choose pest-resistant grass varieties: When seeding or reseeding your lawn, opt for grass varieties known for their resistance to common pests in your area.
  • Maintain proper lawn care: Regularly mow, water, and fertilize your lawn according to recommended guidelines.
  • Reduce thatch buildup: Thatch can provide shelter for pests. Periodically dethatch your lawn to prevent this from becoming a problem.
  • Avoid overwatering: Excess moisture can attract pests like sod webworms and chinch bugs. Water your lawn deeply but infrequently.
  • Monitor your lawn: Regularly inspect your lawn for signs of pests and take action at the first indication of trouble.


Maintaining a beautiful and pest-free lawn is achievable with the right knowledge and the help of experts like us at ReedsWeedz, LLC. Whether you're dealing with grubs, chinch bugs, or any other lawn pest, understanding their behavior and implementing effective control measures is crucial to keeping your lawn healthy and thriving.

If you're struggling with lawn pests and need professional assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our Certified Weed Management and Lawn Services, including Lawnmowing, Pesticide Lawn Care, and Pest Lawn Services, are tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today at (608) 960-6775 or via email at [email protected] for a consultation. Let us help you reclaim your lawn from unwanted intruders and enjoy a pest-free oasis right in your backyard. Your dream lawn is just a call away!

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